Kick Boxing Workout

If you want to add a little spice to your cardio workout, why not try kickboxing?
Kickboxing is a fun and motivating alternative to the treadmill that will leave you with double the sweat in half the time. It’s a fitness strategy that engages every muscle in your body while burning a ton of calories. Whether your goal is weight loss, weight management, or just overall health and fitness, kickboxing is a great addition to your workout repertoire.
This kick boxing workout can be done at home or at the gym, and you don’t need a single piece of equipment. I throw this routine into my own fitness plan from time to time, and it always gets me motivated in the right direction. There’s something about kickboxing that makes you feel fitter, stronger, and capable of anything you set your mind to.
Ready to get tough?
For this 30-minute kick boxing workout, move through each drill without resting in between. When you reach the end, take a 2 minute breather and run through the entire set again.
Boxer’s Shuffle – Kick Boxing Workout Plan
 one’s a good starting point. Standing with your fists pointed upward and forearms on guard, point your right foot forward and shuffle your feet from side to side for 1 minute. At the end of the first minute, jump quickly, turning your body and pointing your left foot forward instead. Shuffle here for another minute, and repeat again, alternating from side to side for 3 minutes.
Speedbag Shuffle – For this one, you’re going to imagine a speedbag at about head level. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, and your hands in fists and elbows out to the sides. Circle your arms quickly as if you’re punching the invisible speedbag. While you’re doing this, shuffle your feet quickly from side to side. Perform this exercise for 3 minutes.
Jab, Squat, and Jump – This one really gets you moving. Starting with your right foot forward and your feet shoulder-width apart, throw a jab with your right fist, as if you’re attacking an opponent. As you pull back, throw a second jab with your left arm, then quickly move into a squat, bringing your forearms into a defensive position (fists to the ceiling). As you lift out of the squat, jump and switch sides, pointing your left foot forward instead. Move continuously through these movements, alternating between sides for 3 minutes.
Knee Lift and Kick – This one’s pretty straightforward but really engages your lower body and core. With your feet at hips-width, hold your forearms in a defensive position, fists pointed to the ceiling. Raise your right knee quickly, pulling it toward your abdomen. Then lower to the floor, lift again quickly, and extend to the side with one powerful kick. Return to starting position and repeat on opposite side, alternating between knee lifts and kicks for 3 minutes.
Jump Rope Cool Down – For the next 2 minutes, cool down with an imaginary jump rope. Skip in place, shuffling your feet forward and backward, touching the ground very lightly with each skip.  (TIP: For another great alternative to the treadmill, check out my Jump Rope Workout here.)
Rest and Repeat – Rest for 2 minutes, then repeat this entire routine, for a killer 30-minute kick boxing workout.
You’ll be challenging your muscles in a totally new way with this routine. And if it’s still not intense enough for you, consider adding in a little resistance with a set of ankle or wrist weights!
TIP: Follow up this kick boxing workout routine with a recovery shake – one of the best ways to refuel! For my best recipes, including a tasty tropical recovery shake.

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