6 Pack Abs Checklist

Is it really possible for anyone to get 6 pack abs or is it some genetic mutation that only some people are gifted with? I’d like to say yes it’s all genetics as I’m in the same boat with you, it’s a pain in the ass battling with having a chiseled midsection. In fact, it’s taken me a heck of a lot of work to get toned abs and sometimes I’m quite annoyed with guys who come in to the gym and barely workout and yet have the perfect abs.
Be that as it may, we’re going to quickly run through the 6 pack abs checklist so we have a point of reference in case we start going off track. I’ll be honest with you, it’s not going to be easy (for most of you!) but take this on as a personal challenge and stay determined until you reach your goals.
6 Pack Abs Checklist: Abs Diet
Well a whole book can be written on this topic, and heck there are probably thousands of books written on 6 pack abs diet, but let’s take a different approach. Let’s take a look at a typical diet of a fitness competitor who’s whole career is focused on reaching the perfect 6 pack. Ready for this? It’s not pretty!
Meal 1: 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with cinammon, 1 teaspoon honey
Meal 2: Whey Protein Shake with Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion
Meal 3: 1 Chicken breast, 1 cup of brocolli
Meal 4: 8oz lean beef seasoned over 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup vegetables
Meal 5: 1 chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 1 tbsp olive oil, salsa
Meal 6: 1 cup fat free cottage cheese, 2 whole eggs
Meal 7: 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt with fresh fruit
Meal 8: Whey Protein Shake with < Optimum 100% Natural Casein
Are you surprised? Sounds a little bland to me, but interesting how many meals and the variety this kind of 6 pack abs diet includes! So now we know how much dedication it takes. But personally I want to make sure I still enjoy what I eat, so we can strive our best to get close to this kind of meal plan right?
6 Pack Abs Checklist: Intense Cardio Training

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