Bosu Ball Exercises

Bosu Ball Exercises

You may not know them by name, but you’ve probably seen them scattered around the gym floor. That blue thing that looks like half of stability ball is called a bosu, and if you haven’t incorporated it into your workout, you’re missing out in a big way,
The bosu ball, also known as a bosu balance trainer, appeared on the fitness scene relatively recently in 1999. It’s basically just an inflated rubber hemisphere that’s attached to a plastic platform, but it gives you some amazing workout options.
The primary purpose of the bosu is balance training, and the word BOSU is actually an acronym. It stands for Both Sides Up, which refers to the device being usable on either side (round side down or up, depending on the exercise). It’s typically more challenging with the round side down, but either way, balance becomes an integral part of any routine with a bosu.
By making stability and balance an issue, you can challenge your muscles in new and exciting ways. In some cases, you can even engage muscles that would normally receive very little attention.
7 Easy Bosu Ball Exercises
To get you started, I’m going to outline a number of easy but totally killer exercises to help you integrate the bosu ball into your fitness routine. The nice thing about the bosu is that it’s relatively safe and can be used at all skill levels.
Here are 7 easy bosu ball exercises to get you started:
1. Ab Crunch on Bosu Ball – To take your crunches to the next level, perform them on a bosu. You’ll have to stabilize your entire body and engage your core in a totally new way. To view this exercise.
2. Bosu Ball Pushups – Flip the bosu over, and make your pushups way more challenging. Not only will you have to stabilize your arms, but you’ll also require more stabilization from your core muscles. To view this exercise, click here.
3. Plank on Bosu Ball – Place the bosu ballunder your feet to finally get more out of the traditional plank. This is one of only a few ways to make the plank more challenging.
4. Bosu Bicep Curls – Make any upper body exercise more challenging by incorporating a little balance training. Simply stand on the bosu ball during your curls, and you’ll find your entire body engaged. 
5. Squat on Bosu Ball – This is definitely one of the more challenging bosu exercises, but you’ll get a lot out of it. You have to move a bit more slowly through these squats, but the results are amazing. 
6. Bosu Bicycle Crunches – Another one that’s on the more challenging side, bosu bicycle crunches require a lot of balance to get them right. To view this exercise, click here.
7. Bosu Runners – This full body exercise is a great addition to interval training or any crossfit workout. In a pushup position, you’re going to engage your upper body, core, and lower body as you alternate between backward kicks. 
These are just a few exercises to get you started. But at the end of the day, the bosu is a pretty simple piece of equipment, and it can be added to a wide variety of exercises and workouts to make them more challenging and more dynamic.
If you’re interested in adding this dynamic fitness device to your home gym, you can purchase your own Bosu Ball here. It’s a great way to make your home workout more challenging, without buying a bunch of clunky weights.
Looking for a great fat burning workout that incorporates bosu ball exercises? Check out this great Fat Burning Workout.

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